Last Updated 2 years ago
AAaa PrestaShop Importer module presentation - integrate with suppliers & wholesalers in 5-steps
Below we describe the 5-step importer operation manual and module most important functions. We are constantly developing the module, so we encourage you to test the module in the demo store, where you will find the latest version of the module and learn about its current functions.
Step 1. List of integrations with wholesalers and files
The main screen of the module will allow you to manage integrations with wholesalers and your own CSV and XML files and feeds. You can upload any number of XML and CSV files from your disk or by providing a URL link or login data to any server. You can configure each file for different tasks.You can run files manually, automatically (using CRON) or - if you integrate with multiple data sources - add them to the queue .
Before next runs, Importer can download a fresh file from the URL or the FTP server and run in the way how you configure it.
Step 2. File configuration
You can perform individual configuration for each uploaded file. The configuration includes:- Language selection
- Selection of the store / stores / groups of stores to which we import (only with the Multistore option)
- Type of data imported: products (includes all data), only categories, only features, only attributes and combinations
- Import mode: import everything, only update, only add new items, update existing + add new items
- Select a value unique for the update: Product ID, Product Code, EAN13, Delivery Code
- File identifier - linking the file to the product in the store, thanks to which other integrations do not overwrite it if the same products exist in many suppliers files.
- Enable / disable logging of operations to the file
Disable products that do not exist in the file. If you enable this option without filling in the file ID, the option will also apply to products imported from other files and added manually.
Set status to zero for products not existing in the file. If you enable this option without filling in the file id, the option will also apply to products imported from other files and added manually.
and a bit more .... :-)
Step 3. Matching data: select and configure data in the file that will go to the store
In this step, you will match the data from the file that you want to import to your store. You can import any data and skip the selected ones.Importer list all product-tags exist in file and let you import fileds, that you select.
Importer supports over 150 fields that you can set to your needs. Each field has its own individual configuration, so that you can import data to the store in the way you want, not the way you have to.
For example, you can import one field from a file into multiple fields in a store. For example, if your XML file has only one product description - you will be able to import it as: short description, long description and meta description.
You can combine many fields into one, edit data, delete characters, add prefixes and notes.
Below is a list of settings that is available for each of the 150 fields that you can import with the Import Manager
- Add before - add any value before the value from the peak
- Append after - add any value after the value from the file
- Trim from the beginning - trim X characters from the beginning of the value from the file
- Trim from end - trim X characters from the end of the value in the file
- Only for new objects - if active, the field will be imported only for new products (not existing in the store)
- Edit data with regular expressions (regex) - enter any regular expression to process the data
- Import if it satisfies a regular expression (regex)
- Combine the same fields - you can combine two or more fields from XML into one field in the store, eg Name + Manufacturer + Feature = Product name in the store.
- Search and replace - define the pairs of words that the module will find and replace when importing this field.
Below we present additional settings for the fields Net price and Category path. The other fields supported by the importer also have an additional configuration that you can see in the demo store.
Additional configuration for the field Net price:
- Markup for prices
- Skip the product if the net price is equal to or less than...
- Skip the product if the net price is equal to or greater than...
- Skip the product if the net price in the file is lower than in the store
- Skip the product if the net price in the file is higher than in the store
- Skip the product if the net price in the mark-up file in the file is higher than in the store
- Skip the product if the net price in the mark-up file in the file is lower than in the store
Additional configuration for the Category path field:
- Category path separator
- Remove old product's associations with categories
- Add a product to all categories in the path
- Reverse path (e.g. Cat1 / Cat2 / Cat3 / Cat4 -> Cat4 / Cat3 / Cat2 / Cat1
- Do not add a product to the main category
- Add the product to the subcategories
- Import category path for new products only (updated products will be skipped)
- Import, if the field meets the conditions of a regular expression [...]
Step 4. Advanced configuration
After matching the data, you can set additional operations for the selected data. This step will allow you to personalize the import or update. You will find here:Category mapping. The products will be imported into the categories existing in your store. For each category that exists in the file, you can choose from:
- Import category as is
- Import categories from file into
- Do not import products from this category
- Exclude products from this category that do not exist in the file
Currencies and exchange rates. Use this option to calculate the price from the file according to the conversion rate during import. After enabling this option, you can enter conversion rates for exchange rates.
Global replacements. You can enter pairs of strings that the importer will find and replace. Global replacements work for the entire file and apply to all fields matched to the import.
Import conditions. Create as many import conditions as you want, including:
- When, e.g. product name
- Is equal to / not equal to / contains / does not contain / is greater than / is less than
- Then skip / import
Example 1: If feature: size contains XXXL then do not import.
Example 2: If the URL link to the photo is empty then skip importing the product.
Step 5. Import - manual or automatic
You can use manual import - product by product, to observe the correctness of the added data in your storeYou can start automatic import. During the import process, the module will inform you about the progress, speed of import and time to completion.
You can interrupt the started import at any time, close the browser and resume it at any time.
During the import process, a log of the importer's work is created, thanks to which you can observe live what data is imported, what errors were encountered or which data the importer omitted according to the configuration.
You can also run each import / update using CRON and SSH. Then all your scheduled operations will be launched contactlessly and automatically.
Run your import in your own store or demo store and see how fun it works! :-)
Import danych do PrestaShop
Importer pozwala importować ponad 150 interaktywnych pól z feedów XML, CSV i integracji API do sklepu PrestaShop. Pola, które możesz importować i aktualizować opisaliśmy w tym wpisie Bazy Wiedzy HelpDesk.Moduł kupisz w naszym sklepie: