Last Updated 4 years ago

The importer does not add products and displays an error: Product save error...

Sometimes it can happen that during import, such information appears in the log:
[...] ERROR > ...s > Product save error... make sure you have free space in the database and try again

In such a situation, you should first try to add a product (you don't have to enter specific data, they can be any) manually in the tab: Catalog > Products.

If the import takes place to many shops (multi-shop), you have to switch to the appropriate shop. Find a row in the import log:
[...] INFO > ...s > selected shop: #X
In place of the letter X there will be a shop ID, to which you have to switch before you can test the manual addition of the product.

Most likely the attempt to add a product will end in an error:
There was an error while creating the object. product
This will mean that the problem is not in the module but in the store. For example, it could be the lack of free memory on the server where the database operates.
However, if you are successful in saving the product manually, please contact the helpdesk - we will find the cause of the problem.

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