Last Updated 3 years ago
Module installation and operation manual
The module allows you to bulk and only specific products to add an infinite number of additional tabs or sections where you can put any content or content from other CMS modules or pages.- In PrestaShop 1.6, the module adds sections by default, one under the other
- In PrestaShop 1.7, the module adds tabs that can be toggled
Installation in PrestaShop 1.6
The default PrestaShop 1.6 template on the product page has sections - one under the other.The module supports sections.
Installation in PrestaShop 1.7
After installing the module, add the code in the places where you want additional tabs to appearIn the file:
1 After the code:
ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist"
Hook to paste:
{hook h='displayProductTab'}.
2 After code:
div class="tab-content" id="tab-content"
Hook to paste:
{hook h='displayProductTabContent'}.
Sections instead of tabs / Tabs instead of sections
It is not possible to fully automate this process, as the display method depends on the template design. Contact us on HelpDesk for assistance.Mass adding sections/tabs
Go to module configuration in the main Back Office menu: PrestaShow Modules > PShowProductsTabs. You can manage the created bookmarks in the module.To create a new bookmark, click [+] in the upper right corner.
You can assign bookmarks in bulk:
- To products indicated manually
- To products in selected categories
- To products of selected manufacturers
Adding bookmarks to a specific product
To add a bookmark to a specific product only, go to edit that product, then to the Modules tab and configure the PShowProductsTabs moduleBookmark content
- You can enter the tab content manually - insert formatted content, images, photos and tables.
- Display in it any other module
- Show the content of a CMS page
- Insert a product description
- Insert tables with product features