Last Updated 4 months ago

Database structure and integration with external ERP systems

You can integrate your warehouse program, such as ERP with Advanced Warehouse in PrestaShop. Use webservice or connect directly to the database. The most important tables are listed below.

Structure of the warehouse database in ps 1.7 (most important tables):

1. ps_warehouse - warehouse data:

- id_warehouse - id of the warehouse
- id_currency - id of the currency from the ps_currency table
- id_address - id of address from ps_address table
- id_employee - id of the warehouse manager from the ps_employee table
- reference - code/number of the warehouse
- name - name of the warehouse

2. ps_warehouse_product_location - assignments of products to warehouses:

- id_product - id of product from ps_product table
- id_product_attribute - id of product combination from ps_product_attribute table
- id_warehouse - id of the warehouse from the ps_warehouse table

3. ps_stock - stock in warehouses:

- id_warehouse - id of warehouse from ps_warehouse table
- id_product - id of product from ps_product table
- id_product_attribute - id of the product combination from the ps_product_attribute table
- physical_quantity - physical quantity in the warehouse
- usable_quantity - the quantity that can be ordered from a given warehouse

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